2014-11-11 04:06:42
What an exciting time! We just produced our first TV commercial and can’t hide it: we are sooooo proud!!!
But let’s start at the beginning. After quite a lot of creative work and planning, we finally headed to London in early October to get the thing rolling.
We met with our production company to discuss how the day of the shot should be organized and to make sure all the bobby cars, skateboards, bubble guns,… are there to make our film lots of fun.
So we decided to meet up in Pilmrose Hill, right on top of the peak. Puh, call time was already 8 in the morning and you know what the traffic is like in London… Pretty short sleep!
Unfortunately our driver – from London – must have forgotten about the rush hour traffic. No one there to pick us up at 7 in the morning. But no sweat! When we called him, he said „No worries, it says just another 15 minutes on my navi“. At that time we did not know that this means NOTHING in London. Because 15 minutes later, when we called again it was „Ahhhm, it’s still 15 minutes…“.
Well. Ok. Let’s take a cab 🙂
In no time there and saluted by some guy doing yoga. Good on him!
Finally arrived and the first stress in the morning survived, we also met our main actor Luke.
Not only fantastic looking, he is also a great guy and did an amazing job. With no fear at all and in the spirit of real urban cowboy he raced down hill on his super cool, green toy motorcycle with around 250 kmh – AT LEAST!
Okay, sometimes he might have been a biiiit too fast for himself and you know, you have to break an egg to make an omelette.
And if it gets dirty, we are of course stepping in and doing the dirty job ourselves!
After all we think that the result stands for it self. We are very thankful for everything!! We had such an amazing time and definitely have something to show now. But what do you think?
So here it is – the WORLD PREMIERE:
The first slow spot ever!